Team Movistar: Investing into a holistic approach

In today’s segment on teams’ sustainability actions, we turn our attention to Movistar. Movistar is the team with one of the largest pedigrees when it comes to environmental action. Movistar was even featured in a document released by the International Cycling Union (UCI) in 2020 as an example of sound team engagement.

Team Movistar has been measuring their footprint for a number of years and is using that the results to guide its actions. With the benefit of having been involved for a while, they have been able to run assessment exercises several times to reflect on the impact of their actions. Each assessment is a snapshot in time. It is important to repeat the exercise on a regular basis to ensure progress. Movistar is a leading example in its field in that respect.

As far as reductions, the team blends solutions meant to directly reduce their footprint, such as using travel policies, solar panels and other means to manage energy consumption, with solutions meant to offset their residual impact, such as engaging in tree planting programs.

All in, their efforts combine to represent a fairly holistic approach to the problem, while remaining direct and practical.

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